Monday, June 30, 2008

Thad Cockrell and Matt Wertz

***Okay, so I do not know what happened with this post. The text and the pictures just never showed up! I have had trouble getting blogger to upload my pics and publish my text, but I think we have that worked out now!***

So, here's a funny little story! A while back (probably several of my stories will start like this, since I am so stink'in far behind on blogging!!!), Flint's BF, Peter, came down to Waco for an overnight visit. We had a great time hanging out around the pool and taking him to some of our favorite local spots. On Saturday afternoon, we headed up to Dallas to meet up with my BF, Laura, and her hubby, Brad. We were going to go to dinner and then go to the House of Blues to see a long-time friend of Flint's and Peter's play. Thad Cockrell, was a friend of they guy's since their early days at Kanakuk. Some you have heard Thad live and may not even remember it. He played at our Rehearsal Dinner. Anyway. We met up with Laura and Brad and went to eat at Luna de Noche...pretty good smackins...and in walks Thad. We were all thinking to ourselves...aren't you opening a show in just a little while?!?! Thad is a very laid back personality! So, he gave us some backstage passes, visited for a second, and told us to meet him after the show! So after Thad played, we decided to head back, since after all, it was Thad we were really there to see! He was great by the way!!! Now comes the good part! Thad meets us at the dressing room door and announces that we are entering as we walk in. Flint, immediately proceeds on into the restroom to find Matt getting dressed! Let me clear this up...he was not naked or anything more like just missing his shirt. He probably just went into the restroom to be respectful. Matt had a great sense of humor about it. It made for a great story and some laughs! So, we all meet Matt, when he comes out of the restroom, and then he is off to do his show. We sit down in the lounge and Peter picks up Thad's guitar, after a few minutes, and starts strumming on it. I know it feels like I am rambling, but these are important details to the story. SO a few minutes later, Matt's agent (we do not know his name so we will just refer to him as "the agent") rushes into the dressing room in panic and asks Thad if Matt could borrow his guitar. One of the strings on Matt's guitar broke during the show. So Thad's guitar is rushed to the stage and they bring Matt's guitar back. "The agent" evidently had no idea how to change strings and Thad was MIA at this point, so "the agent" asked Peter, whom he had previously seen strumming Thad's guitar, if he knew how to change strings! Of course Peter knew...Peter can seriously do ANYTHING! It really is phenomenal. The boy can pick up on anything...he will beat you at your own game! So the pics I have posted are proof that Peter saved the show that night! That is Peter changing the guitar strings on Matt Wertz's guitar during his show!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Drumroll, Please!

Well, for all of our avid readers and loyal fans...I have a house update. I still do not have pics of the entire house, but I do have pictures of our new pool! Some of you know that we have been waiting for the new pool for almost two months now...I know, long overdue!!! Especially in this Texas heat! So here we are on the pool inauguration day. It is not completely finished, but it still felt great! Let the pool parties begin!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Molly Ann

I sat to down at my computer to catch up on the blogging that I have let slip through the cracks over the last couple of crazy months. I was checking my account on facebook and the Lord led to to my friend, Virginia's blog, and then on to Full of Boys blog. **This is the point of humiliation.** I was preparing to type about our new house, our travels, and life over the last few months and then life was put into perspective for me.

Here is the story that the Lord wanted me to read about today and the precious family that he wanted me on my knees in prayer for. Many of you either know or have heard of Dennis Rainey of Family Life. His daughter went to the University of Arkansas with me and I knew of her. She was precious! Her and her husband recently had a baby girl, named Molly, who was born with some severe health problems.

I do not know when you will reading this post, but as I type, the family is preparing to take this precious baby off of life support. I can't even imagine. Please take the time to read about the Mutz family. It will touch your heart. Join me in praying for them, because they have a very hard road I hope I never have to walk.

Praying for Molly
Molly Mutz Update
Turning eyes to Jesus

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Father's Day

I must start by sending a hug out to the Father's in our lives! Flint and I are so blessed with amazing dads! I can't speak for Flint, but I am so thankful for a dad who was always there. That is so key in raising a family! My dad was a strong man who pointed his family toward Christ! He was also such a hard worker. I can't even begin to imagine all of the hours he worked and the sacrifices he made to provide the best life for his family. Not to mention I have a really fun dad!!! He expected the best and he wouldn't settle for anything less from me! Speaking of sacrifices...there is no telling how many unfortunate events my dad had to sit through throughout my recitals, school plays, dance competitions, piano recitals, gymnastic lessons, high school ball games, tryouts, school dances the list could go on and on! Nevertheless, he was always there and I never once heard him complain...much like our Heavenly Father!!! That is why I picked this card for my dad! It probably sums up how he felt deep down! So, we salute, you both- Larry and Ray! We love you guys!
We made a quick trip up to Fort Worth Saturday night so that we could spend Sunday with Ray. We had a wonderful day! We went to church as a family...yes, even my mother-in-law, Cilla, went... which is a huge praise!!! She has been very sick! Then we went out for Chinese food! What precious time- 
time together as a family!

My grandfather (mom's dad) is the only grandfather that either of us have living. So, I send my love to you, too, Grandpa! We were both, once again, blessed with wonderful grandparents who have deeply impacted our lives.

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4