Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Happy 8th

Praying together before our wedding
Today Flint and I are celebrating our 8th wedding anniversary.  WOW!  Time really does fly!  I am so thankful that God blessed me with Flint.  I couldn't ask for a better husband or father.  God really is the ultimate matchmaker {and I have my bestie Laura to thank, too ;)}  We have had a wonderful eight years.  I am so proud of Flint.  Life has handed him a lot the last few years and he has handled it with such grace and through it all he continues to point our family toward Christ.  We have been through lots together, but it has only made our marriage stronger.

It is so funny how the Lord works. He brought Flint into my life when I least expected it, but in His perfect timing! I was not looking for love or even a relationship at the time…I was just having “fun”. It did take me a little while to take interest, but Flint waited for me, the Lord worked on my heart, and the rest is history. I am so thankful for Flint’s discernment and his persistency in seeking his Heavenly Father and then me! After a bumpy spring semester and summer of 2001, It took only one of our first dates of sitting out in a thunderstorm in Razorback Stadium waiting for the Hogs to take on Tennessee for Flint to know that I was the one for him!

Now, over eight years later, I know that things couldn’t be more right. I see more and more everyday how God so fearfully and wonderfully made Flint and when He made him, He had me in mind to be his wife!   God definitely answered all of my prayers when he blessed me him.  Being married to Flint is so much fun and yes, babe, I still think you are funny!

I love you so much, Flintastic!  Happy Anniversary!
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Anonymous said...

wow! Congrats on 8 years!

I was just watching "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs" and was thinking what a cool name Flint is! That's a crazy coincidence to read about a Flint on my google reader!

Donna said...

Congrats...Happy Anniversary!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! 8 YEARS!! Happy Anniversary!! Such a sweet post!

Ham Family said...

Congrats! I can't believe it's already been 8 years! I can still remember the first day of Dr. Fitch's fall class when you walked in a married woman! Time is going by too quickly!

Happy Anniversary, Rebekah & Flint! Here's to many, MANY more!!

Hillary said...

8 years?? Wow!!! That's awesome! Congrats!

Katie (From Passys to Parties) said...

Happy Anniversary you two! So exciting!

Sally said...

yay!!! August 3rd, 2002 was a perfect day!!! :)

Anonymous said...
