Wednesday, August 4, 2010


So, I celebrated my thirtieth birthday a couple of weeks ago.  Thanks to Blogger, I have had some trouble posting the pics.  Some are still missing so I guess that gives me another reason to have another post, right?!?!
It was far less painful that I anticipated, thanks to my wonderful family and friends!  In fact, I could not tell any difference in any other birthday!  Besides maybe a little less sleep and the dark circles under my eyes, thanks to my Sweet Baby Cilla!
My parents came up to Fayetteville to kick off the celebrating.  We went to Doe's on Dickson street for dinner and we had Bliss cupcakes.  For all of my NWA friends, the Marshmallow Brownie is a MUST have!  Only one word describes them- AMAZING!!!!! 
Thanks mom and dad for everything.  I love you bunches and I am so thankful for all of your love and support.
Then we were off to Kansas City for a fun-filled weekend with some of our dear friends, the Moore's.
We had lots of fun.  We went to Kaleidoscope, a children's museum in downtown.  Cilla loved it.  Especially pushing all the buttons!  I love the picture of her standing on her tip toes to reach the button.
We shopped at The Plaza and ate lots of yummy food!
Everything was going great until Cilla woke up in the middle of the night having thrown up and with high fever.  My actual birthday was really kind of sad.  I ate all three meals in our hotel room hanging out with our very sick baby.  It broke my heart.  Not for myself, but for sweet girl.  We still do not know what hit her about it took her almost a week to get back to her old self.   
Breaks.  My.  Heart.
 Isn't this pitiful?!?!  She sure is trying to smile.
We did get dressed and go out to the lobby for a little while.  Only to end up back in bed.  She was fascinated by the glass elevator that you could watch from the lobby!
Our traveling toddler.
  She was a very good sport about being in three different hotels over the course of about 6 days.  After we left Kansas City, we went on to visit two college towns: Lawrence and Manhattan.  Flint wanted to see Kansas and Kansas State campuses since they were so close to KC.  Even after being at Baylor for two years, he had never made it to either of those Big 12 college towns.

Flint was so thoughtful and went the extra mile to make my 30th special.  He found a delicious bakery and had my favorites {chocolate and red velvet} delivered to our hotel!  Thanks, Love, for thinking of all the little details. 
Despite Cilla being so sick, I still had a great birthday.  I am so thankful for everyone who helped me celebrate.  Thank you for all of the fun gifts, the message, texts, and phone calls.  I really appreciated it all and it made my day!


Heather said...

Happy belated 30th birthday Rebekah! These pictures are so cute!

The Allens said...

Awww...she looks so hot! I am glad she's better. Happy Birthday!

Amy said...

What a sweet baby you have! I have come over from Kelly's and just had to comment....
I am so sorry your baby girl as sick on your bday. My little one (14 mos) was sick not too long ago with a stomach bug and it sounds similar. Our ped. told us that it is not unusual for babies/toddlers to "hold onto" the bug for up to a week or more. Unlike adults, who usually recover in 24hrs. It is so pitiful to see them sick! Hope she's feeling back to herself!!! :)

Katie said...

happy birthday, Rebekah! Cute cake!

Kim said...

Happy Birthday! Cilla is so precious! Sorry to hear she was sick, it's so hard to see them feeling bad.

Sally said...

DIRTY THIRTY!!!!!!!!!!! so fun!!! happy belated friend!! welcome to the 30 ain't so bad. :)
great seeing your faces, miss ya'll around here.

wacocampbells said...

i can't believe i missed your birthday! happy belated! we miss you guys A LOT!

The Haynes said...

Happy Belated Birthday! And sorry for poor Cilla!!! It's terrible when they're so little and sick like that.

And on the post below...I can't believe it's been 8 years! I remember the night you called me to tell me ya'll had gotten engaged!

Brittney said...

Happy belated 30th, sweet friend! We miss you guys so much!!!

Anonymous said...

what a special birthday - minus the sickness!! hope you guys are doing well! you are missed.

sarah @ life {sweet} life said...

Happy Belated Birthday!! The pictures are precious...looks like you guys had a great time! I'm just a few months behind you...November will bring the big three-oh for me. :)