Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fwint Hawis and Webekah

We have been working with Cilla trying to teach her her full name and both her mommy's and her daddy's name.  After talking to a friend, I realized the importance of her knowing all of our names just in case.  You never know when your kiddo might need to know that valuable information.
Well, our plan is backfiring.
Cilla has decided that she likes to call Flint and I by our first names!  Super cool when your two year old tells you, "I call you Webekah!"  Thanks, but no thanks!
I made Flint breakfast a couple of days ago and she said, "Mommy you take that food to Fwint Hawis!"  You are right, Miss Priss, mommy will take it to Flint Harris and you will take it to DADDY!  I know it is just a phase and the newness will wear off.  And honestly, it really doesn't bother me down to the core like it does some people.  It is just a little shocking!
I am going through Beth Moore's Esther study this summer, and it has really made me think about my role as Cilla's mom.  Not that I do not think about that EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. but it has given me a little different perspective.  Esther was an orphan.  She lost both her mommy and her daddy at a young age.  Can you imagine?!?!  She was raised by her male cousin.  In our lesson last week we talked about being a lady and being lovely.  Not just lovely like the world world views being lovely, but inner beauty.  It is my job as Cilla's mom to teach her and model to her what true beauty is.  It is sooooo hard, especially being a mom of a little girl, to not get caught up in all the cute clothes and big hair bows and fun shoes.  We tell Cilla over and over how pretty she is.  Don't get me wrong.  I certainly think that she.  But, I also have to tell her on a daily basis that being pretty is not something that you ARE, it is something that you DO!  Beth shared some verses with us about what the Bible tells us about beauty:
"I am complete in Christ." Colossians 2:10 and "Let the beauty of the Lord be upon me" Psalm 90:17.
And one of my very favorite verses:   "Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes.  Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight." 1 Peter 3:3-4
So as fun as it is to play dress up and princesses and go to play dates and bake cookies, those roles as a mom all take a backseat to my role of teaching Cilla to be a lovely lady who finds her true beauty in Christ.  Such a big responsibly!  But, I am ready to take it on!

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
   but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." 
Proverbs 31:30


Tiffany said...

Riley is doing the same thing! I am tiffamme and Riley told her dada night night rarick the other night! ha!

mustard seed said...

good point! we are also trying to get the phone #'s memorized!

I did the Esther study last Summer and LOVED it!

Donna said...

So funny! And what a good mom you are! You are getting the right points across even as she is still young!
I did have to laugh at my 3 year old grand-daughter who told me that she knew my first name and called me that for about a month. I did have to laugh out loud though, to hear it from that little mouth!